Laura Lambe Fitness
Who Are We? What Do We Do? How Can We Help YOU?

The Three Most Common Questions I Get Asked So Let's Run Through Them In Order

1) Who Are We? I say 'WE' because I may be the creator and CEO of Laura Lambe Fitness but there is an army of women behind me making all this a reality, we work together in order to make this ever growing platform successful for each client. I will introduce my coaching team later. 

I am Laura Lambe Fitness, the CEO of one of the Fastest Growing Health and Fitness Brands in the World, with clients in over 20 countries worldwide and a portfolio of over 400 Bespoke 1-1 Clients in the past year alone

I specialise in teaching busy females how to get in shape within THEIR lives and how to win back control of their happiness, self-confidence, energy and become the BEST version of THEMselves again 

With a combined experience of over 30years in the Health and Fitness Industries we are at the forefront of the industry 

However, unlike other people out there we don't just focus on a number on a scale we want you to not just look GREAT but to FEEL GREAT too 

Weight loss for us is not about the weight you lose but the life you can gain!!

2) What do we do?
We coach women on a 1-1 basis on Nutrition, Exercise and Habit Creation. 

As my coaching team are all qualified nutritionists, directing people on how to improve their health is something we are experts in. However, unlike many nutritionists we don't believe in giving out meal plans or cutting out all the foods you love. We teach every single client on a 1-1 basis how to get in shape and improve your health WITHOUT any restrictions. 

We customise all our workouts for every single client on an individual basis. As we specialise in Busy Females we work with a lot of women who simply don't have a lot of time. With a client portfolio of CEOS, Business owners, Nurses, Working Mums, Corporate Executives, Pilots, Doctors right through to university students we know a thing or two about creating EFFECTIVE workouts for women regardless of their busy schedule 

However - the above is not what actually gets our clients results. It helps but it is not the driving factor behind our high success rate. That lies firmly with our Habit Creation Element. Something the vast majority of women overlook when trying to reach their goals. Most people, perhaps even you, already know how to lose the weight, they have done it again and again - The issue is in maintaining the results. 

If you think of every time you fell off track it probably had nothing to do with the fact you didnt know salad was a better option than pizza but rather your time, busy week at work, stress, LIFE 

That is why we teach our clients, again on a 1-1, how to create life long habits so they can maintain their results LONGTERM, ie it becomes a LIFESTYLE 
3) How Can we help YOU? 

Well firstly we need to get to know YOU

We need to know your goals, your current situation and a bit more about your day to day life (what food you like, what time you have and what are your biggest challenges). Let me introduce you to our BREAKTHROUGH sessions - This is when we speak to you on an individual basis directly on the phone to get into what YOU need. If we can't help you or you are not ready for coaching we WILL tell you. 

If you are READY for change then click below, book a call and let's get started!!

The Coaching Team 

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